Making Money with E-Books

Electronic Books or e-books are books in software form that can easily be distributed over the Internet. One of the biggest obstacles to making money on the Internet is coming up with a great product to sell. Here's a great way to come up with that product.

Nearly everyone has some specialized knowledge that can be turned into an e-book and marketed on a web site for fun and profit. In fact it is a good bet that YOU have valuable knowledge that you can share with others.

You can find several e-books about setting up a profitable web site and creating content such as e-books to sell on the Internet.

There are many advantages to selling e-books over regular printed books. The first is that they are mucheasier to distribute. Your e-book can be easily written for any audience and marketed to people all over the world interested in your knowledge. Although it is a good idea to offer both electronic and printed versions of your e-book, upfront printing, storage, handling and shipping costs are kept to a minimum by preparing an e-book. Advertising costs are generally less expensive on the Internet then they are in newspapers, magazines or other traditional media.

Another advantage of electronic publishing is that it is very easy to add illustrations and even sound and video files to your e-book. If you have many sounds or videos, you may want to publish your e-book on a CD-ROM which will add some of the traditional expenses back into the picture, but the value of your work will be significantly higher than publishing a printed book.