Problems loading a web page

If a page is loading very slowly, compared to normal load times for your computer, or you get an error of some kind, try reloading the page by clicking the Stop button (if the page appears to be still loading), and then the Reload or Refresh button.

You can tell if the browser thinks it still has elements to load into a page if the animation in the top right corner of the browser is still moving or if there are progress indicators in the status bar in the bottom left corner of the window. If there are lots of graphics, Java applets or elements that require plug-ins, the page will load much more slowly. If this becomes too frustrating, you can set your browser's preferences to not load graphics and sounds. You can also turn off Java and JavaScript.

Another thing to consider is your connection speed. The speed of your computer's processor is another consideration. Cable, ISDN or DSL service will provide much faster access to the Internet than a regular phone line. Obviously faster is better for phone lines, modems and computers.