This is an area that is critical to thecontinued operation of your PC. Power surges and lightning strikes cansometimes get coupled into your PC through the power line or phone line. Thesesurges can and often do damage PCs.
Surge protected power strips have snubber circuits that filter out thesepotentially dangerous power line transients.
The AC line protection feature is easy to use.
- Plug the surge strip into any working AC receptacle.
- Then plug your PC into one of the receptacles on the strip that is protected. Usually they all are, but read the markings on the face of the strip to be sure.
In addition to AC line protection many surge protectors alsohave protected phone line connectors. Use these to protect your PC'smodem:
- Plug a standard telephone cable between the phone wall connector and the 'In' connector on the surge protector.
- Use a second telephone cable to connect your PC's modem to the 'Out' connector.
Your modem and PC are now protected from dangerous phone linetransients.
Surge protectors with these features cost around $20 dollars and are well worthevery penny!
Surge protectors with these features cost around $20 dollars and are well worthevery penny!