How to Configure FTP Client


FTP stands for the File Transfer Protocol and it is used to transfer the files over the internet and on any TCP/IP based network.  The most common use of the FTP program is to upload the files over the internet and download the files to your computer.  There are many FTP client and FTP servers programs. 
The most common FTP client programs are Cute FTP, WSFTP, FileZilla, Ace FTP, FTP Voyager and the smart FTP.

The FTP servers listen on the port number 21 for the incoming connections from the FTP server. For accessing the FTP sites and transferring the data, you need to configure the FTP sites.

FTP servers can be configured as internet hosts, voice servers, game servers and other physical servers. Every FTP client program has its own method of configuring the sites.

Configuring FTP Site in the ACE FTP

Ace FTP is a free FTP client program and in the below steps you will learn that how to configure the FTP sites in it.

  • Click Ace FTP and open the Ace FTP.
  • Now click File > connect and now double click “New Site Profile”.
  • Provide your Site name, Server IP address, FTP user id and password.
  • Click next and click finish.
  • Your’ done.  FTP site has been configured.
  • Double click the site name that you recently created and upload/download the files.