Computer Security

Security refers to being protected from the losses and dangers. Today, computers are the integral part of our life we perform different tasks on it like we use for doing work, entertainment, communication, web surfing and for shop online.  Security is the major concern of every computer user. In the IT, security refers to the safety, continuity, reliability and protection from the known threats to the data and infrastructure. It also refers to the confidentiality, integrity and the authentication.   

In IT, the common threats are viruses, hackers, spyware, adware, Trojan horses, malware, web worms, intruders, identity theft and physical threats.  Being an IT administrator, system or network administrator, it’s your responsibility to be well aware of all these threats and implement the solutions in your organization.

You know the requirements and security needs of your organizations.  In this article you will find an overview of the known computer threats and the tips how to deal with them.

Common Security Threats

  • Viruses
  • Hackers
  • Spyware
  • Adware
  • Malware
  • Intruders
  • Phishing
  • Eavesdropping
  • Physical Infrastructure threats
  • Spams
  • Accidental data deletion or data corruption
  • Human Error
  • Spoofing
  • Unauthorized modification

Security Tips

The above mentioned threats are the most common security threats to the computer users. You can be safe from these threats by implementing the following tips.

  • Install and configure a software or hardware firewall on your computer.
  • Encrypt your data while transmitted it over the internet.
  • Install an up-to-dated antivirus and anti spyware programs to your computer and regularly scan it.
  • Update your operating system and install the latest security patches and the hot fixes.
  • Implement a strong password to all the computers.
  • Don’t reply the spam emails.
  • Don’t open any email attachment from the unknown source.
  • Backup your critical data regularly.
  • Keep inventory of the hardware and software devices in your network.
  • Encrypt your data so that it cannot be intercept by others.
  • Use UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply), it will safe your computer from the losses that occur due to the electrical failures.
  • Don’t provide the more system and network resources rights than necessary to the network users.
  • Raise the level of security in the web browsers and block and suspicious websites and web applications.
  • Disconnect your computer from the internet when you are not using it.