Browser Compatibility Information



I support using web standards. The domain will look better in a browser that supports XHTML and CSS2, however, all text is viewable with any internet device.

Tested Browsers include IE 5.0+, Chrome 2.0, Firefox 2.0x, 3.x, Opera and Safari.

Known Issues


If you have any problems viewing the domain other than the ones listed below, please contact me and I will attempt to fix it as soon as possible!

  • If you use your own style sheet or you have CSS turned off, the site will not appear as intended.
  • Netscape 4.x and below will not display the domain structure properly due to zero support for DOM Level 1 (displays JavaScript errors).
  • Internet Explorer 5 does not do well. I am looking into the issue.
  • If you can't view any images on the domain, please read this information: Why can't I view any images on your domain?


Standards Support


This site conforms to W3C's strict XHTML 1.0 standards recommended in Jan. 2000 and CSS2 recommended in May 1999.

If you attempt to validate this page and it fails, please Contact BV so I can fix the problem. Due to the dynamic nature and the attempt by me at making the domain as accessible as possible to the widest audience, I make mistakes. I cannot check and recheck every browser, every OS, every platform, every time I make a change. You can, however, tell me about your experience.