Windows Vista So, what about Service Pack 1 and 2?

What I am not going to do:
  • Predict on an individual basis whether Service Pack 1 or 2 "will work for you."
  • Test whether or not System Restore will "undo" Service Pack 1 or 2 or if you will be able to go back to a previous install point before Service Pack 1 or 2 installation.
With that said, this is my recommendations:
  • No matter what, I would recommend to install SP1 and then SP2. If for nothing else, the knowledge that all of the "security" updates are current, not to mention the "bug" fixes.
  • Back up everything you cannot afford to lose.
  • Contact Microsoft for any Technical issues that arise with the Service Pack 1 or 2. I do not work for them. I do not have a direct line to them. They can answer and fix your problems much faster than I.