Enkompass Installation Guide

The purpose of this document is to describe the configuration and installation process for our Enkompass software.

Designing Your Active Directory Domain and Licensing Enkompass
Here you can find important information about designing your domain and licensing your Windows Server® and Enkompass software.
Configuring Windows Server® 2008 for Enkompass
This document describes how to configure your operating system after you have installed it on your server.
Installing and Configuring Enkompass
This document describes the process of installing and setting up Enkompass.
Getting Started
This document contains information about how to access Enkompass' Admin account and a short description of reseller accounts.
Basic Setup
This document covers how to set up your mail and SQL servers, how IP addresses are used, creating system backups, using certificates, and how websites are structured.
Creating Accounts
This document describes how to create and manage WSO and reseller accounts.
Enkompass Plans
This document describes how to create and manage Enkompass plans. Plans allow administrators and resellers to limit resources WSO users and subordinate resellers can use.
The Enkompass Administrator's FAQ
This document is intended for resellers and administrators who work with Enkompass and contains some frequently asked questions.
The Enkompass Web Site Owner's FAQ
This document is intended for users who own and run websites using the WSO interface. It contains some frequently asked questions.
Presentations from the 2009 cPanel Conference
These are the training slides and related materials presented at the 2009 cPanel Conference in Houston, Texas.
Download Now
The latest Enkompass installer can be downloaded from httpupdate.cpanel.net.


The subject of directories and subdirectories is one of the hardest concepts for people to understand but a very necessary part of automating your day-to-day business operations with your computer.

Regardless of whether you work in DOS or Windows - you need to group similar files together so you can find them easier and for your computer to function more properly. It's kind of like moving into a new neighborhood only to find your favorite supermarket on the east side of town, your barber shop on the west side, your post office in the north end and your babysitter in the south end. You would be spending more time commuting back and forth between all these places than if they were all grouped together just a few miles from your house.

The easiest way to help you understand how subdirectories and directories work, is best understood by anyone who has worked in an office environment before. Every office contained a file cabinet with separate folders for letters of the alphabet. Normally, each letter of the alphabet was also separated into manila folders, each continuing information on a certain person or company. Your telephone directory is even organized in this similar manner.

Directories and subdirectories on a computer system is EXACTLY the same thing. Your computer hard drive is the main file cabinet. A directory is similar to every letter of the alphabet. A subdirectory is similar to the separate manila folders that go inside the particular directory. But the great thing about a computer system is that there is NO LIMIT to the subdirectories you can make. Your file cabinet would get too big if you did this.

That's why, when you purchase a new software program, you make one directory for it - then copy the files to make the program work "into" it. (If your software comes with a self-installing program, it will automatically do this for you.) For example, I have a main directory called "Graphics" on my hard drive. Then I have several subdirectories "inside" this main "Graphics" directory called "People," "Animals," "Office," etc. This way, when I want a graphic of a person, I will know to look for it in the main "Graphics" directory, inside the "People" subdirectory.


Learn to Type... If you are trying to learn how to type, you'll love the software program - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. It's available for $34.95 from Global Software (1-800-8-GLOBAL).

This program is well worth the money because it actually makes typing fun. I tried this out on my friend Laurie, who had never sat down at a computer in her life. She was labeled as the "typical" hunt-and-peck typist. However, she even loved this program.

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is menu driven and the more you use it the more it adapts to your particular strengths and weaknesses. (Aren't computers smarter than ever now?) It also entertains you while you learn by providing 2D and 3D graphics, lifelike keyboard and "guide hands" to show you the perfect technique for added convenience. We especially liked the Racing Game, where the faster you type the faster your race car travels.

Can You Run a Company?


When first introduced, it was a hard task just to get the communication software to talk to the modem and get everything worked out just right.

As with all computer programs and software, over the years, communication software has leaped forward dramatically in the last couple of years. There have been several things added to the features available with communication software; but, fortunately, the price has remained stable.

Features-- There are a lot of features that you should look for in software for communications. You should try to get auto-dial, screen capture, phone directories, and macros. In this section, I will tell you a little about each of them and how they work.

NOTE: Do not go out right now and try to get your hands on the most fascinating piece of software you can find. You will be wasting your money. There are several programs out there that will do just as well, and will cost you half as much.

You will find that a lot of the programs that come with your computer will already have communication software installed in them. Microsoft Windows has a program that comes with it called Terminal. GeoWorks has a program that comes with it called GeoComm. And there are many others.

The first thing you should look for in software is compatibility. You need to make sure that the software you buy is able to run with both your computer and your modem. If your computer has a built-in communications program, then all you will have to do is make sure that the modem is compatible. It probably will be.


The same system mentioned on the previous page may be used to memorize a speech by linking a series of thoughts to a series of ridiculous pictures in sequence.

Proper preparation of your speech is half the battle. Know you subject thoroughly then make an outline for the introduction, main body and conclusion. Start your speech with something to startle your audience into complete attention such as a weird statement or funny happening.

In presenting the main body of your speech get the confidence of your audience by letting them know you know your subject very well. Get your points across without argument.

In making your conclusion you can briefly sum up what you have just stated then end with a big bang; recommending action your audience should take or suggesting they change their viewpoint on the subject etc.; finalize with a joke that fits the circumstances, or powerful word pictures they will remember after they leave the meeting.

Make your outline in large print with plenty of space between lines so you will be able to look up without losing your place on the sheets. Rely on your memory for the most important points, including the opening and closing lines.

Practice your speech with a tape recorder and in front of a mirror before the meeting. Work out any apparent speaking problems or things that don't sound just right. Know what you are going to do with your hands and determine the better body movements to go with your personality. Continually make eye contact back and forth across the room.

Take time to think before answering questions. If you don't have the answer, ask another question, refer it to someone else better qualified to answer, answer in general terms, or change the subject (like politicians do) complimenting the person asking the "impossible" question, or by telling a "clean" joke.